The election needs to be bought
It’s distressing to think about the Venezuelan government’s latest financial moves. Not for what the moves entail, necessarily, but because of the obvious reason that is driving them....
It’s distressing to think about the Venezuelan government’s latest financial moves. Not for what the moves entail, necessarily, but because of the obvious reason that is driving them....
Venezuelan cops don’t have it easy these days: they are either killed in horryfing circunstances, attacked by irregular armed groups or find themselves facing the wrath of the people...
So a lot has been happening in the strange and wonderful world of Jim Luers since we last checked in on him. Our criollo Tyler Durden, who claims to...
Sometimes, the self-evident gets lost in the melée of day-to-day politicking. Sometimes, stating those (on reflection, perfectly obvious) things is important. Vital. Sometimes, saying obvious things out loud is...
Sometimes, buying newspapers in mysterious ways or depriving them of their most basic resource to keep running isn’t enough. Sometimes, the hegemony needs a classic newspaper closure. That’s what...
Nelson Merentes, the President of the Central Bank of Venezuela (“BCV”), seems to have a bit of a soft mutiny in the ranks. A group from the bank’s technical...
Back in April, Juan Cristobal wrote about a big corruption investigation in Brazil. Uncovered by the magazine Época, the story involved local conglomerate Odebrecht, state development bank BNDES, and a...
What will have a bigger impact on the lives of Venezuelans over the next, say, two to five years? The parliamentary elections slated for later this year, or whatever...
Many would say there is clash between Caraqueños – Venezuelans born in Caracas – and Maracuchos or Marabinos –Venezuelans born in Maracaibo; e.g. Pablo Pérez and Juan Cristóbal Nagel....
Is Venezuela headed towards hyperinflation? A few days ago, Quico dismissed allegations of runaway hyperinflation in the country. He used a report put out by Francisco Rodriguez and his team...
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