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Voluntad Popular Joins The Machadomania

Freddy Superlano -Voluntad Popular’s candidate in the primaries- just quit. His party is now endorsing María Corina Machado. Copei’s candidate also quit.

The Negotiations Are Back

A new round of negotiations between the government and the opposition, sponsored by Norway, will start tomorrow in Barbados. These negotiations are expected to come hand-in-hand with an agreement between Venezuela and the US to ease some sanctions in exchange for conditions for competitive elections in 2024.

Old (Hardliner) Flames

Freddy Superlano -Voluntad Popular’s candidate in the primaries- just quit. His party is now endorsing María Corina Machado. Despite a quite rocky period during Juan Guaidó’s caretaker presidency, Machado and VP were close allies during the La Salida protests in 2014. “In the streets everybody claims and is convinced that María Corina is the primary’s winner”, Superlano said.

Copei’s Roberto Enriquez, another primary candidate, also quitted – a few days after a coalition of elder copeyanos endorsed precandidate and former copeyano César Pérez Vivas. Copei will now support the winner of the primaries.
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