Venezuela: Local Stakes for International Actors
Lula, Petro and AMLO have plenty to lose if Chavismo doesn’t accept defeat. From the sidelines, the U.S. continues to encourage their fragile attempt to talk
Lula, Petro and AMLO have plenty to lose if Chavismo doesn’t accept defeat. From the sidelines, the U.S. continues to encourage their fragile attempt to talk
This human rights activist was moved across several detention sites in a few days and was charged with terrorism, among other things
It was flagrant. He knows it, his allies know it, the international community knows it, and the people know it too. Y ahora qué
Massive deployment of the police state, armed colectivos and informants seeks to obliterate the social capital and hope created throughout the campaign and the electoral victory of July 28
Speaker Jorge Rodríguez's claims about forgery, signatures, modifications, and errors in the records do not hold up under detailed scrutiny
Neither of them competed in the election, but they both are key to unlock Venezuela’s future
Efforts to hide voting receipts before taking them to campaign coordinators, a timed transportation circuit, and the collaboration of electoral witnesses and neighbors allowed the opposition to collect and upload 81.32% of all voting tallies in the aftermath of the election
It’s been a week since the Venezuelan Presidential Elections, although it feels more like a decade. While a lot has happened on all fronts, the international community has been particularly active
Chavismo easily blinded some progressives and made them accomplices of its propaganda wars, thanks to shallow perspectives inherited from Cold War fanaticism
Music, sports or entertainment news is the only information allowed by Conatel on the days after the elections
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.