Venezuelan NGOs Stand Up to ‘U.S.-Backed Coup’ Narrative
235 Venezuelan NGOs just published a strongly-worded statement, pushing back against the “U.S.-backed coup” narrative promoted by Venezuelan state propaganda.
235 Venezuelan NGOs just published a strongly-worded statement, pushing back against the “U.S.-backed coup” narrative promoted by Venezuelan state propaganda.
Stung by fresh U.S. sanctions, Maduro decided to strike back against Guaidó. But how? The best he could come up with is making it hard for Guaidó to use money he’s rendered worthless, and property he’s rendered meaningless.
Genuinely harrowing stories are coming out of Petare, Caracas’s biggest shantytown. As the poor begin to protest, the National Police’s death squad —FAES— has launched an unprecedented rampage.
The new State Department Special Envoy on Venezuela is an old-school hardcore GOP anti-communist with a reputation for unparalleled mastery over the bureaucracy of American power projection.
From selling the vegetables her dad grew on their farm in Mérida to joining Voluntad Popular as an activist, Fabiana Rosales carries the torch for a new generation of Venezuelans who came of age fighting the dictatorship.
Caretaker President Juan Guaidó is putting an offer of amnesty for security personnel who back him at the center of his discourse. But as a legal text, his Amnesty Bill is seriously undercooked.
There's a thing that happens when Guaidó talks. A quiet energy, that moves his long-suffering audience like a jolt. Listen to Guaidó among a group of Venezuelans abroad, and you can't miss it.
Rallying international support for recognizing AN Speaker Juan Guaidó as caretaker president was —and remains— an audacious, high-risk gambit. It could still go very wrong. But, right’s working.
The third item in Caretaker President Guaidó’s plan, organizing free and fair elections, would take three months at the very minimum. And it's not just about getting rid of the chavista die-hards on the electoral board.
Guaidó from Chacao and on the internet, Maduro from Miraflores in a mandatory broadcast. One of them was determined, confident, conciliatory. The other one was Maduro.
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