Extra! Extra! Nepotist writes speech, makes us splash it on the front page of his paper!
What do you call someone who makes the paper he edits run his own speeches as front-page news? Il hacko di tutti i hacki? Folks, El Nacional editor Miguel...
What do you call someone who makes the paper he edits run his own speeches as front-page news? Il hacko di tutti i hacki? Folks, El Nacional editor Miguel...
The war against the MUD continues. Every three hours or so there is something new. Now, VTV airs private conversations from non-entities to show … what, exactly? Seriously,...
Iris Varela’s plan to deal with prison overcrowding by simply freeing 40% of the prison population is nice and all, but … aren’t judges supposed to be the ones...
For the life of me, I can’t remember the last time an obscure, hard-to-understand decision by the opposition unleashed the torrent of invective that has been foaming from...
This has to be the most chigüiresque headline I’ve seen on a legitimate news story all year. Honestly.
Over in Spanish, Raúl Aular shows how camera angles can make a world of difference.
What would oil policy look like in a Leopoldo López presidency? 1. Lots of investment in production, geared toward making Venezuela the world’s top producer 2. Lots of...
“If he can make getting a cédula easier, then I will consider supporting him.” I remember thinking and saying this back in 1999, when Hugo Chávez was first...
Datanalisis’s latest shows Chávez’s popularity holding steady in the wake of his cancer diagnosis, and Henrique Capriles well out ahead in the opposition primary race. It’s a good...
Less than 48 hours after Chávez took off for Cuba leaving him half a presidency and Jaua is already starting to crack: Drunk? Clueless? You be the judge…...
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