Devaluation around the corner? Not so fast
Over at the Foreign Policy blog (login required now), I cast doubt on the conventional wisdom that the government is going to have to devalue the Bolívar soon,...
Over at the Foreign Policy blog (login required now), I cast doubt on the conventional wisdom that the government is going to have to devalue the Bolívar soon,...
Former Vice-President Elias Jaua has been named new Foreign Affairs Minister. That’s his consolation prize after losing the Miranda State election last month. Back in October, he said...
Univisión’s Manuel Rueda is on the case, Imagine the following script: A wildly popular leader of a tropical country wins an election and then heads to a foreign...
Information Minister Ernesto Villegas took his anger to the twittersphere yesterday to denounce an “unscrupulous” alleged fake photo of Rosinés, the comandante presidente’s youngest daughter, with rapper Nicki...
Israel Centeno in El País, (an English version is here.) Un gobierno autocrático que se ha adueñado de todas las instituciones del Estado no informa, no dice la verdad;...
Oh yeah, they’re really letting Maduro have it now. </irony>
It has been a crowded weekend in Havana so far. First, two Latin American presidents tried unsuccessfully to visit the comandante presidente: Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and...
January 10th has passed. Chávez did not show up for his swearing in, but his “people” took the oath in his place, because the people are Chávez, and...
January 10th creates a conundrum for us at Caracas Chronicles. On the one hand, we share most of your indignation. Maduro’s term ends today, but the TSJ has...
OK, so we all know this is a kind of coup. Keeping Maduro on as the not-encargado-and-yet-obviously-in-charge (a.k.a., de facto) president is about as legitimate in my eyes...
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