Madurismo Buried Classic Chavista Nationalism
Chávez used to say that true Venezuelans were chavistas. Now Maduro is relaunching the patriotic rhetoric blackmail around an economic recovery narrative
Chávez used to say that true Venezuelans were chavistas. Now Maduro is relaunching the patriotic rhetoric blackmail around an economic recovery narrative
After Rodolfo Hernández's successful TikTok strategy to get himself in the final showdown for the Colombian presidency, every Latin American politician has been looking at the platform for a political miracle. Here are some do's and don'ts, with examples
Even though some can stay in the U.S., the measure leaves out many other migrants in need of regular status. We tell you what it means, and what it doesn’t cover
Several cycles of protest and repression have taken place in Latin America during the past ten years, and they form a worrying pattern
The opposition alliance PUEDE announced it will organize the election of a unitary candidate in 2023, preparing for the presidential election supposed to happen in 2024. The way this primary evolves could be critical for survival of non-chavista parties
Anchored in the nostalgia of power, the opposition has fought fiercely to gain control of the UCV student movement. Although it’s a legitimate struggle to capture new leaders, the strategy pushes university students further away
As we finally come face-to-face with the ghost of sanction relief, let’s see where do the different factions of the Venezuelan opposition stand in the matter... and what is their actual sphere of influence
Despite some small advances and changes in legislation, both chavismo and the opposition make things more difficult for female politicians. But Venezuela could take some steps towards equality
After the opposition leader was the victim of a violent aggression after an event in Cojedes on June 11th, he got more support from abroad than from his domestic allies
The discussion of whether or not inviting Latin America’s most notorious autocracies to the regional talks has highlighted how these governments choke dissenting voices at home
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.