Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
So here’s one thing that’s changed radically since the Comandante Supremo went to meet his maker: Politics got dull. Way boring. So boring, that it makes writing my super-tedious...
So here’s one thing that’s changed radically since the Comandante Supremo went to meet his maker: Politics got dull. Way boring. So boring, that it makes writing my super-tedious...
By the time you read this, President Nicolás Maduro will have arrived at the Vatican to meet his Holiness Pope Francis. I. Can’t. Wait! How-oh-how will he screw...
And the trolling continues…
Argenis Chávez failed miserably as the head of the National Electric Corporation (CORPOELEC), so he was forced to leave. But a short time later, he publicly criticized the...
(Something about this short piece by Héctor Torres really touched me. I guess it stirred up the conservative that lives within me. I’m taking the liberty to translate...
Adriana Pérez Bonilla puts her finger on something raw and real and terrifying and simultaneously hilarious and not even a little bit funny in this Panfleto piece. It’s...
Five days after its announcement, the Electronic Food Rationing program which was supposed to be implemented in Maracaibo on Monday is over even before it started. Today, Nicolás...
…it looks like Judge María Lourdes Afiuni will be released later on this morning. Calling what happened to this woman a “detention” amounts to lexical complicity in an...
Over at Foreign Policy’s Transitions blog, I discuss the opposition’s new diplomatic offensive. The value added: These trips are part of a new phase for the Venezuelan opposition....
One of the few good things about the Bolivarian Involution is the fact that so many talented people (Jon Lee Anderson, Mario Vargas Llosa) take interest in Venezuela....
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.