Pero Tenemos Patria Chronicles
Famasloop puts the boot right in… (Deliriously NSFW, btw)
Famasloop puts the boot right in… (Deliriously NSFW, btw)
(And now for a change of pace: a guest post by my friend, Barquisimetan historian Froilán Ramos. In Spanish) Los días que vivimos recuerdan los que causaron la...
Butt implants on the sly from an unlicensed “Doctor” in Catia? Step right this way… “Lo que yo inyecto son biopolímeros, y como ya sabrás, esto es peligroso....
This post from the UC Berkeley Energy Institute got me thinking that we’re not grasping the fullness of Venezuela’s crazy gasoline subsidy. The post is about Indonesia, and...
It’s nice to see we’re not the only ones enthralled by Eduardo Samán, the old/new Consumer Protection Agency head who’s quickly become a favorite hate figure for the...
Ladies and gentlemen, get your cedulas ready… Its election season again! Finally we can put off thinking about boring, structural issues that need urgent attention like the crumbling...
The government is creating a brand new public transportation company called “Corporation of Socialist Transportation”. Didn’t they know there’s already have a similar kind of company called Sitssa?...
We at CaracasChronicles thought you might want to know about this awesome new social network: FacePopular, the Bolivarian alternative to Facebook. Iris Valera, now you can rest easy....
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.