We're Gonna Party Like It's 1989 (UPDATED)
Victor Salmerón’s latest in El Universal left me rechecking my calendar to make sure we’re not in January 1989. Las reservas internacionales, el tanque de divisas que permite...
Victor Salmerón’s latest in El Universal left me rechecking my calendar to make sure we’re not in January 1989. Las reservas internacionales, el tanque de divisas que permite...
So this one’s inexplicably flying under the Communicational Hegemon’s radar: Sidetur, the steelmaker and one-time Sivensa subsidiary expropriated back in 2010, missed its coupon payment on $100 million...
Own a car? Want a car? Be very, very afraid: the government’s proposed Used Car Law could well mean the end of legal market for used cars in...
Because information is power, and all voters must be well-informed, we now present to you the PSUV contenders for Municipalities in the Caracas area. I, for one, can’t...
Folks, President Maduro has just announced that noted crazy person Miguel Angel Pérez Pirela will be PSUV’s candidate for Mayor of Maracaibo. Mi sentido pésame to Juan Cristobal...
Part of me can’t help but be impressed with Maduro and Diosdado this week: the sheer chutzpah, the titanium-plated cojones you need to take a fairly standard campaign...
Seems Panorama had its story wrong: Pérez Pirela denies he’s been appointed Information Minister (and, surprise surprise, thinks there’s a conspiracy behind the story!) Bummer.
Correction: Panorama had this story wrong. Instead, Pérez Pirela will be PSUV’s candidate for Mayor of Maracaibo. Noted crazy person Miguel Ángel Pérez Pirela has just been named...
Well-known Venezuelan architect Fruto Vivas (seen in the photo) has been in the news lately: one of his most famous works, the former Venezuelan pavillion of the Expo...
Hey! Our book just got a very generous review by the WSJ’s José de Cordoba in Americas Quarterly. Check it out… The authors may be unashamedly anti-chavista, but...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.