The Normal Politics Trap
The question now is what will collapse sooner: Venezuelans’ confidence in the government or the opposition’s confidence in MUD’s leadership. I think of it as a kind of...
The question now is what will collapse sooner: Venezuelans’ confidence in the government or the opposition’s confidence in MUD’s leadership. I think of it as a kind of...
So it’s Wednesday morning in the International Office of the MUD and I’m walking in, bleary eyed, heading straight to the coffee pot for my requisite 8:00 a.m....
As expected, the TSJ’s Constitutional Chamber has thrown out Henrique Capriles’s legal challenge to the 14-A presidential election. 24 hours earlier, Capriles had announced that he would not wait...
Story FUBAR: Gah, it’s been a terrible week for corrections. Turns out Great Wall de Venezuela was not a Chinese firm at all, it was a Venezuelan firm...
…what’s up with this?!
Defense Minister Adm. Carmen Meléndez announced yesterday the creation of new military enterprises, including a bank and companies dedicated to transport and agriculture. But the biggest news was...
…one for the ages.
Victor Salmerón’s latest in El Universal left me rechecking my calendar to make sure we’re not in January 1989. Las reservas internacionales, el tanque de divisas que permite...
So this one’s inexplicably flying under the Communicational Hegemon’s radar: Sidetur, the steelmaker and one-time Sivensa subsidiary expropriated back in 2010, missed its coupon payment on $100 million...
Own a car? Want a car? Be very, very afraid: the government’s proposed Used Car Law could well mean the end of legal market for used cars in...
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