Why doesn't the opposition say more about Syria?
Nicolás Maduro is highly supportive of Syria’s dictatorial mass-murderer Bashar el Assad. He has sent subsidized diesel to Syria. At one point, there was even a nonstop Caracas-Damascus...
Nicolás Maduro is highly supportive of Syria’s dictatorial mass-murderer Bashar el Assad. He has sent subsidized diesel to Syria. At one point, there was even a nonstop Caracas-Damascus...
In case you missed it, the government announced earlier last week that they stopped another assassination plot against Nicolás Maduro, This one included two Colombian hitmen (now in custody)...
Boris Muñoz is characteristically excellent in his treatment of the fall of Globovision to the Dark Side, in a post that covers all the story’s basics. And yet,...
I’ve been mulling Quico’s unusual screed from the other day, in which he harshly criticized Henrique Capriles and wondered out loud how long he was going to last...
This must really be – and I know I seem to write this often, but bear with me – one of the weirdest things I’ve read about Venezuela in...
We’ve been hearing as of late that SICAD dollar auctions were being used as stopgap measures to avoid scarcity for particularly sensitive items. For example, many SICAD dollars are...
Reading this great post by Setty, it strikes me that there is real ingenuity and entrepreneurship in Venezuela. It’s too bad it’s often used for things such as...
Some days, this self-parody we have masquerading as a government is just too awesome for words…like when its “inspirational revolutionary murals” forget to replace the dummy text before...
La primera sesión fue bien divertida. La grabación está aquí.
One of the new state institutions created in the 1999 Constitution was the figure of the People’s Ombudsman, in charge of defending citizens’ rights against the state. Fourteen...
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