An 18-Wheeler Named Venezuela
Some things, I feel, need to be said in Spanish. In cases like that, I take to PanfletoNegro. Desde el día que nos llevamos por delante ese puente...
Some things, I feel, need to be said in Spanish. In cases like that, I take to PanfletoNegro. Desde el día que nos llevamos por delante ese puente...
Kudos to El Nacional for writing up some of the detail of (one of) the megabucks scams at Bandes (a.k.a., the Economic and Social Development Bank, a.k.a., the place-where-both-our-current-and-former-Central-Bank-heads...
Setty in full rant mode is a force of nature. A thing of beauty. A real joy. Do not miss his epic takedown of the appalling Derwick fluff...
Remember that Superior Organ for the Economy Nicolas Maduro created not long ago? Well, its head, Hébert García Plaza found out during an inspection tour that the real...
Oh, Tibi, never change… Venezuela and Russia Sign Electoral Cooperation Agreement La presidenta del Consejo Nacional Electoral, Tibisay Lucena, y el vicepresidente primero de la Comisión Electoral de...
When all is said and done and Misión Cadivi comes crashing down along with the rest of Chavenomics, a lot of people will be very upset. But one...
We may hate to admit it, but Nicolás Maduro’s Chinese junket has, as far as we can tell, been a success. He gets to leave with a headline...
Amid the flurry of tweetnouncements coming out of Nicolás Maduro’s trip to China was this lovely tidbit, announcing that it’s the Chinese who will get commercial gold production...
The French Interior Minister announced today that 1,300 kilos of high purity cocaine were discovered in Paris on an Air France flight from Caracas on September 11th. The telling...
There’s an elemental sadness to this story about the Imperialist Aggression involved in “denying” Maduro the use of U.S. airspace to fly to China via Europe (which, they...
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