Will Venezuela Have its Own 'Juicio a las Juntas' à la Argentina 1985?
The Argentinean film tells a true story, but stops at a happy ending that was just a part of a longer–and uglier–sequence of events
The Argentinean film tells a true story, but stops at a happy ending that was just a part of a longer–and uglier–sequence of events
Tareck El Aissaimi, one of the historic figures of ruling chavismo, seems to fall from grace, as a bunch of people—including a mayor, a construction magnate and several high ranking officials—have been arrested on charges of massive corruption
There’s still a lot to unpack about the upcoming opposition primary election in Venezuela ahead of the presidential election against Nicolás Maduro—which is supposed to happen in 2024....
It's a tale as old as time. Is Diosdado Cabello sabotaging Maduro or is he playing a key part in the Chavista strategy to wear down its rivals? Luis dives into the former
Zulianos celebrate a regional holiday that’s a complicated milestone: the region’s separation from Spain and union to the Republic of Colombia. The history of what happened explains why this is so tricky
Eons ago, the political parties and leaders out of the chavista movement melted themselves into the unitary agenda as the only way to defeat the caudillo. 20 years later, they are both weak as a coalition and individually
Over 20 years of hearing that the Venezuelan opposition doesn't have a counter proposal to chavismo. Tony dives into the past to see whether this is true
Tony wrote a frame-by-frame summary of Guaido's downfall for his substack, check it out
Months of unease within the opposition produced a new, big crevasse in the weak alliance with the defenestration of Guaidó’s caretakership, in a way that shattered what remained of the opposition’s chances and image among voters
Maduro’s government divides the opposition by granting legitimacy to anti-PUEDE movements through meager concessions
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