Hey, violent opposition: Check out your victims
Diosdado Cabello just confirmed the death of a member of the 23 de Enero colectivo (armed paramilitary groups), allegedly shot in the head in the vicinity of the student protests...
Diosdado Cabello just confirmed the death of a member of the 23 de Enero colectivo (armed paramilitary groups), allegedly shot in the head in the vicinity of the student protests...
Caracas’ Plaza Venezuela, right now. Meanwhile, what Venezuelan TV stations are showing… “Se armó la tramoya” indeed! The counter-revolution will certainly not be televised.
Mobile Number Portability (MNP) – the ability to change carriers without having to change your phone number – is becoming a hot topic of debate all over the...
Lest you think that any notion of feigning “institutional restraint” through State media outlets was officially dead, in swoops Captain Diosdado Cabello to hammer that last nail firmly...
Now that we are done with the introductions and the sappy posts, let us get down to business. I came across this viral article from the Washington Post...
Last week, the city of Ocumare del Tuy (southern Miranda State) became the latest focal point in the violence that affects Venezuela. It all started when the CICPC...
(Editor’s note: We welcome a new addition to Caracas Chronicles, Raúl Stolk, @raulstolk. Raúl is an attorney, and I’ve long admired his writing in Prodavinci. I am thrilled...
The latest casualty in the ongoing newsprint crisis is, surprisingly, one of the hegemony’s main newspapers: Diario VEA. In Monday’s edition (seen the photo), they informed their readers...
Bikers in Venezuela – locally known as “motorizados” – are a fascinating subculture. Going from motopirueteros to mototaxis to messengers, they are a definitive part of the Venezuelan urban...
After a difficult year that was crowned by a defeat in December’s mayoral elections, the Venezuelan opposition is in a state of flux. On one side, many voices...
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