Building the perfect leader
Leopoldo López is a smart, visionary guy. Maria Corina Machado is fearless, eloquent, a political megastar. Henrique Capriles has great name recognition, and he is a master at building consensus. It’s...
Leopoldo López is a smart, visionary guy. Maria Corina Machado is fearless, eloquent, a political megastar. Henrique Capriles has great name recognition, and he is a master at building consensus. It’s...
Luis Chataing is a popular late-night TV host and comedian. His show was usually light on politics – while Chataing was clearly pro-opposition, his was not an overly political broadcast....
“You know, I want to go back to Caracas now.” It caught me off guard to hear my five year old daughter say this. It’s been almost a...
Last week, the government organized a high-profile conference about what they like to call “the media plot against Venezuela.” This was the usual blame-it-all-on-the-Evil-Empire gig, with a few...
Ever since he turned himself in, Venezuelans had not seen or heard from Leopoldo López. The nation’s most visible political prisoner was made … invisible, thanks to the...
Estimado Pepe, Discúlpame el tuteo, pero todos dicen que no te gustan los formalismos. Te escribo hoy porque hay cosas que están pasando en mi país, Venezuela, que...
Leopoldo López has been attending hearings regarding his current judicial situation for the past few days. It’s been a week-long affair, which makes you wonder why they go...
(A few weeks ago, I got an e-mail from a Venezuelan currently studying journalism in New York City, and yadda-yadda-yadda, Caracas Chronicles has a summer intern! Meet Rachelle...
Yorman Márquez, aka El Gordo Bayón, was gunned down a few days ago. His story is like a micro-cosm of chavista Venezuela – union leader, alleged murderer, ex-con,...
Long time readers know I have a special fascination with Fonden – the Chávez-created National Development Fund – and, as a corollary, with the Venezuelan press’s utter failure...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.