The teleSUR email in English
Sent: Thursday, 25 September 2014 15:38:02 Subject: Re: the farewell that wasn’t If anyone still doesn’t believe how things are done around here, Telesur contracted a firm to...
Sent: Thursday, 25 September 2014 15:38:02 Subject: Re: the farewell that wasn’t If anyone still doesn’t believe how things are done around here, Telesur contracted a firm to...
Enviados: Jueves, 25 de Septiembre 2014 15:38:02 Asunto: Re: la despedida que no fue Si alguien sigue sin creer cómo se hacen las cosas, Telesur contrató una empresa...
It’s done. The Bolivarian Government has won (unopposed) the Latin American seat for the United Nations Security Council for the 2015-2017 period. This time, there was no major...
If you want to know more about Venezuela’s economy, politics and history (and a little extra about Latin America), you should subscribe to the “Seis Por Derecho” videoblog....
The central government has tried over and over again to present itself as proactive in tackling crime. As usual, reality has gotten in its way. Violence in Venezuela is...
So I already blew one gasket over Reinhart and Rogoff’s Project Syndicate piece, and now the time has come to blow the other. Turns out Francisco Rodríguez over...
How perfect a detail is that? Sandra Guerrero has lots more where that came from over in El Nacional – all of it, I’m afraid, anonymously sourced. Serra, it now appears,...
Consider “default”. It’s a tricky one: both an ordinary English word and a term of art with a specific, legal definition in the field of finance. There’s a reason why this ordinary word is...
On the heels of Nicolás Maduro’s absurd attacks on Ricardo Hausmann and Miguel Ángel Santos, today we hear from Harvard professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff on the issue...
The September IVAD poll is on a level of awful that must be making the government think twice now. Consider: 70% of respondents have little or no confidence...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.