Have you ever noticed how many pro-government Trending Topics are all over the Venezuelan Twittersphere? Ever wonder how the central government really does that? The folks at NGO IPYS Venezuela recently released...
La Villa del Cine is working on a movie about Hugo Chavéz’s brief deposing during April (11th, 12th, and 13th) 2002. This is a core moment in Chavista mythology, it...
The Esequibo rift is getting more complicated than ever, especially after last week’s events in Brasilia. Even if Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez went on State TV to claim...
The People’s Electoral Movement (MEP) – the largely empty carcass of AD’s left-wing faction that broke away from the party in the 60s – recently held its internal national assembly to...
The extraordinary ongoing battle for control of the Cota 905 shantytown shows the full extent of the Animalfarmification of the Venezuelan state. In Animal Farm, Orwell brilliantly shows...
The outbreak of arbitrary elections disqualifications continues, as the Venezuelan government goes all in on that old democratic dictum: if you can’t beat ’em, ban ’em. Now it’s former...
Pity Mexico’s oil sector reformers. After a bitter, hard-fought, multi-decade campaign to open the oil sector to foreign investment, they put together a landmark auction…and the thing flops. ...
We are three weeks into the race for the parliamentary elections (scheduled for December 6th) and the Venezuelan government has already imposed three over-the-top hurdles for the opposition....
Yesterday, Maria Corina Machado offered a press conference to react to the Comptroller-General’s decision to bar her from holding public office for 12 months, which would leave her out...
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