As the government's chief tactician and the power behind the CNE throne, Jorge Rodríguez's job is to keep the opposition divided. But last night's decision, which kills the Recall Referendum cold, will do just the opposite.
If it looks like a strike, sounds like a strike, smells like a strike, tastes like a strike and feels like a strike it's to petition the Transport Minister for a fare hike.
Having a baby is a harrowing experience at the best of times. Imagine doing it in a country with no medicines, no diapers, no surgical facilities. Now imagine doing it with no insurance.
As the police starts arresting people for making protest videos against the police repressing people who protest, Venezuela's dictatorship is now beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt.
On the diplomatic blunder scale, Timoteo Zambrano scored a Full Duterte yesterday. It makes no sense for him to keep his job as MUD's main International spokesperson after that.
I went to visit my sister in Ciudad Betania, a sprawling complex of five GMVV housing projects just outside Ocumare del Tuy. They're pretty screwed up places. Well, four out of the five are. Then there's Betania II.
Why would you make a secret back channel public? Because you are strong? Just the opposite: you lash out when you realize you're too weak to impose impossible demands.
Every merideño grew up knowing there was something special about this place, "a university with a city inside." Mérida isn't like Venezuela. Or it never had been. It sure wasn't supposed to be. Now it is.
The thing that's keeping chavismo in power isn't CNE, or the Supreme Tribunal, or even the army. It's the opposition's deep conviction that we're powerless against them.
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.