The Vatican Communiqué
Translation of the document read by Vatican representatives during this afternoon's controversial press conference.
Translation of the document read by Vatican representatives during this afternoon's controversial press conference.
We're not quite sure what's going on. And from the looks of it, neither does half the opposition.
A little horde of chavista agitators waltzed past the National Assembly's security yesterday and onto the floor. It was a squalid bit of showmanship, aimed at showcasing Jorge Rodríguez's control over PSUV's means of political violence.
And so ends the day in which the Venezuelan Parliament calls for Open Rebellion.
Have you bought your cotufas y refresco yet?
Once in a while, a Venezuelan opposition leader screws up so badly that even those of us minded to give them the benefit of the doubt simply lose it and start screaming at our screens. Eveling Trejo de Rosales just did that.
Our ruling clique has given up trying to be loved, or liked, or esteemed, or approved of, or even just minimally respected...they're quite happy to be loathed, so long as they survive.
Anabella looks for answers in the timeline of opposition leaders. Spoiler: Nothing much there.
We've been waiting 18 years to call their bluff. And tonight, we did.
As Chavista governors attempt an end-run behind the TSJ to kill the recall referendum, the cracks in PSUV unity are all evident and serious.
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.