Venezuela wrecks your mind. Being manipulated, threatened, gaslighted, and abused with chavista mind games for a decade and a half will do that to you. The mark of that wrecked mind is a panicky fear of hope itself.
Venezuelan doctors are now sailing to Trinidad in search for supplies they can no longer find back home. This week, three of them did not make it back after their boat stalled and sank at sea.
The claim that “new debt cannot be contracted without Assembly approval” has been one of the opposition’s most effective lines of attack against. Unfortunately, as a matter of law, it’s mostly wrong.
A quick scan of ñángara constitution-making from Vladimir Lenin to Manuel Zelaya, with pitstops in Cuba, Nicaragua and the fever-swamps of Tony Negri’s philosophy.
Perhaps Venezuelans are clueless about whether we'll reach safe harbor doing what we're doing. But one thing we’re positive about: we’re through trying to adapt ourselves to this hell.
For three days, Venezuela's third largest city has witnessed the worst looting since 1989. The warehouses that store and distribute much of the food Venezuela eats lay bare. There's fear in people’s eyes.
Reactions to Maduro’s call for a Constituent Assembly include labeling it as unconstitutional or as a strategy to distract attention away from the mess Venezuelans is facing. Here's a look at some of the most relevant statements.
Without a referendum that allows the people to decide whether they want a constituent or not, Chavismo is, once again, blatantly violating the constitution.
When they first came on the scene, the Student Leaders of 2007 were the best news for Venezuelan civil society in a very long time. Ten years on, this generation's ethos seems to be our nation's only hope.
Venezuela keeps plumbing new depths. As Raúl wrote, each one feels impossible to get used to...and then you do. This new normal, gave me vertigo.
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.