Much like pseudoscience, pseudolaw uses the outward trappings of law to pervert its essence. Thankfully, the opposition is finally showing some backbone in its fight against this corrosive attack on legality.
A recent poll by Datanalisis gives us a glimpse of public opinion in the era of protests. The news: Everyone hates what’s happening, but Maduro’s numbers haven’t collapsed.
What makes controlling the Executive Branch so valuable in Venezuela isn’t our Constitution, it’s the fact that the government ignores it without consequences.
Swiftly moving down her list of to-do's, the Prosecutor General is now after 13 justices illegally appointed by the last chavista National Assembly in 2015.
One minute, Luis was just walking home from a protest. The next, he became one more anonymous victim of police brutality. His bruises are a reminder of the risks we all face when out on the streets.
Forget about playing to bankers’ sense of right and wrong: selling out public assets for much less than they’re worth is a crime, a ‘delito de salvaguarda.’ That’s where the focus should be.
I’m a sifrino kid who used to get shaken down for bribes at checkpoints all the time. Then I learned how to chill with a Guardia Nacional. And it stopped. Can MUD learn my tricks?
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.