Web of Repression to Close Newspapers
As media outlets in Venezuela are suffocated to the point of closure, a new report by NGO Transparencia Venezuela shows the mechanisms used by the hegemony to make it happen.
As media outlets in Venezuela are suffocated to the point of closure, a new report by NGO Transparencia Venezuela shows the mechanisms used by the hegemony to make it happen.
Reuters published an article describing how Chinese telecom giant ZTE helps Maduro & Co. monitor and keep track of fatherland card-carrying citizens’ every move. The details of the data recollection resemble a horror story gone Venezuela.
What does a day looking for medicine look like? It looks like an authoritarian game of ignominy and frontal abuse.
After the Tumeremo massacre, on October 14, we know for a fact that the ELN operates in Venezuelan territory. But the ecocide, human trafficking, slavery and “mysterious” disappearances started in 2016, with the Orinoco Mining Arc's decree.
After the fall of the DDR, Germans sought to turn tragedy into remembrance. Perhaps, when chavismo is over, because it will be, we can take a page from the Germans’ book and adapt the idea to build the Post-Chavista Museum we’ll need so it never happens again.
Millions of Venezuelans are facing malnutrition. I know I can’t fix the entire problem. But, together with a couple dozen volunteers, we can help a few hundred at-risk young people and retirees beat acute hunger. So we do.
Colombia’s vicious ELN guerrilla kills Venezuelan soldiers...and Venezuela’s Defense Minister treats them like they’re the Godfather.
Despite the country’s huge freshwater reserves, only 18% of Venezuelans have regular access to water. Who doesn’t have trouble finding it? Mosquitoes... when the time comes to lay eggs.
Venezuela’s Western state of Zulia has a long and proud tradition of protest music: gaiteros have always raised their voices against injustice. But under growing pressure from the government, radio stations no longer dare to air it.
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Kejal Vyas and Carlos Becerra have a brutal, engrossing feature about what happens to a small community in Portuguesa, when the government seizes the assets of a big local employer, and replaces it with nothing.
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.