Debtbook Diplomacy: Predatory Imperialism Made in China
As the world’s largest oil importer, one would think China would bet on keeping Venezuela up and running. Turns out that, either way, they’ll turn a profit.
As the world’s largest oil importer, one would think China would bet on keeping Venezuela up and running. Turns out that, either way, they’ll turn a profit.
Canaima inspired everyone from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Pixar — a paradise in the middle jungle. Amid a boom in ecologically ruinous illegal mining, it may not survive the Revolution.
Acción Democrática’s government was just three years old when the military decided it had had enough of civilian rule. It happened 70 years ago, today.
The “Vuelta a la Patria” plan just had its latest installment in Chile, but the government of President Sebastian Piñera is also preparing its own version for fellow Chileans in Venezuela.
Improvised burials are the new normal for poor Venezuelans. With so little on offer for the living in Venezuela, what can the dead expect?
The Center for Strategic and International Studies got a crew of sharp minds, including our very own Alejandro Machado, together to talk about how important the Venezuelan diaspora will be in rebuilding our country from abroad.
Remember how awkward it was if your dad taught chemistry to your entire class? Well, because of poor salaries, transport fares and poor training, parents or neighbors acting as teachers is now a really common sight in schools all over the country.
How do you let people know what’s going on amid the censorship raj? We do it on public transport, with a cardboard cut-out TV screen and a YouTube channel, to the beat of salsa.
While lack of basic medical supplies kills Venezuelan patients, the board of directors of a State-run hospital in Caracas refuses to accept a donation from Médecins sans Frontieres, putting politics and ideology before patients’ lives.
It might be tough to think how there are still cultural events seeking to impact and transcend beyond the crisis. Is it really possible to detach ourselves from chaos? Not just possible, necessary!
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.