CNE Illegality du Jour
From the Framework Law on Suffrage and Political Participation: Articulo 172 – Una vez finalizado el proceso de escrutinio, se elaborará un acta que expresará los resultados del...
From the Framework Law on Suffrage and Political Participation: Articulo 172 – Una vez finalizado el proceso de escrutinio, se elaborará un acta que expresará los resultados del...
Here’s a train of thought I’ve been mulling since I started studying Innovation Economics (sometimes called Neoschumpeterian Economics.) The basic insight in this field is that innovations disrupt...
Here’s a train of thought I’ve been mulling since I started studying Innovation Economics (sometimes called Neoschumpeterian Economics.) The basic insight in this field is that innovations disrupt...
From the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Artículo 186. La Asamblea Nacional estará integrada por diputados y diputadas elegidos o elegidas en cada entidad federal por...
If you understand Spanish, don’t miss this one (MP3 format – large file.) Rocío San Miguel, a professor of Human Rights Law, legal advisor to the National Council...
From the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: Artículo 186. La Asamblea Nacional estará integrada por diputados y diputadas elegidos o elegidas en cada entidad federal por...
If you understand Spanish, don’t miss this one (MP3 format – large file.) Rocío San Miguel, a professor of Human Rights Law, legal advisor to the National Council...
From the Framework Law on Suffrage and Political Participation (LOSPP): Artículo 120 – Con sesenta (60) días de anticipación por lo menos a la realización de una elección,...
From the Framework Law on Suffrage and Political Participation (LOSPP): Artículo 120 – Con sesenta (60) días de anticipación por lo menos a la realización de una elección,...
What the hell is wrong with Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias these days?! Normally, if Chavez calls a march and nobody shows up, you expect them to run pictures...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.