CNE Illegality du Jour
From the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Artículo 63. El sufragio es un derecho. Se ejercerá mediante votaciones libres, universales, directas y secretas… Article 63. Suffrage...
From the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Artículo 63. El sufragio es un derecho. Se ejercerá mediante votaciones libres, universales, directas y secretas… Article 63. Suffrage...
For months, Sumate has been saying that the combination of the finger-print scanning machines CNE has decided to use and electronic voting machines would allow CNE to deduce...
From the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Artículo 63. El sufragio es un derecho. Se ejercerá mediante votaciones libres, universales, directas y secretas… Article 63. Suffrage...
From the comments forum: Is it really correct to say they haven’t saved? They have $30 billion in foriegn reserves. A few years ago it was only $12...
From the comments forum: Is it really correct to say they haven’t saved? They have $30 billion in foriegn reserves. A few years ago it was only $12...
People don’t like to hear it. It’s technical, impersonal, dull. It doesn’t serve up an identifiable bad guy you can blame. But economists who’ve looked at the question...
People don’t like to hear it. It’s technical, impersonal, dull. It doesn’t serve up an identifiable bad guy you can blame. But economists who’ve looked at the question...
From the Framework Law on Suffrage and Political Participation: Articulo 172 – Una vez finalizado el proceso de escrutinio, se elaborará un acta que expresará los resultados del...
From the Framework Law on Suffrage and Political Participation: Articulo 172 – Una vez finalizado el proceso de escrutinio, se elaborará un acta que expresará los resultados del...
Here’s a train of thought I’ve been mulling since I started studying Innovation Economics (sometimes called Neoschumpeterian Economics.) The basic insight in this field is that innovations disrupt...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.