The case against primaries
The opposition rank and file sees it as self-evident that there should be a primary election to choose a single opposition candidate to run against Chavez in December....
The opposition rank and file sees it as self-evident that there should be a primary election to choose a single opposition candidate to run against Chavez in December....
Sorry, folks, I can’t seem to think of any topics worth blogging about these last few days. Maybe you can use the comments to suggest stuff…
Sorry, folks, I can’t seem to think of any topics worth blogging about these last few days. Maybe you can use the comments to suggest stuff…
Quico has asked me to clarify the logic through which indirect subsidies work as gifts. Suppose you own an apartment that is worth 200 thousand dollars. Suppose you...
Quico has asked me to clarify the logic through which indirect subsidies work as gifts. Suppose you own an apartment that is worth 200 thousand dollars. Suppose you...
“…it’s a syndrome endemic to our madhouse: hysteria. Studying what’s been written about this disease – which we usually, unfairly, think of as purely feminine – I’ve found...
“…it’s a syndrome endemic to our madhouse: hysteria. Studying what’s been written about this disease – which we usually, unfairly, think of as purely feminine – I’ve found...
“…..Particularmente es un síndrome que es endémico en nuestro manicomio: la histeria. Estudiando lo escrito sobre esta enfermedad -que solemos achacarle, injustamente, sólo a lo femenino-, he encontrado...
Congratulations to Miguel for getting on and staying on the Gonzalez-family story. Some gringo journos have noticed. Opponents of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez are demanding further investigation of...
“…..Particularmente es un síndrome que es endémico en nuestro manicomio: la histeria. Estudiando lo escrito sobre esta enfermedad -que solemos achacarle, injustamente, sólo a lo femenino-, he encontrado...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.