Democracy implies a clear delineation of the conceptual boundaries between “party,” “government,” “state,” and “nation.” Democracy conceives of the state as the institutional incarnation of the nation, something...
The essence of a revolutionary regime is permanence. The essence of a democratic regime is alternance. “No volverán” is the essential revolutionary slogan – the ideological rejection of...
The essence of a revolutionary regime is permanence. The essence of a democratic regime is alternance. “No volverán” is the essential revolutionary slogan – the ideological rejection of...
At the center of the Chávez Revolution we have a contradiction in terms. In democracies dissent is healthy, alternance the norm. In revolutions dissent is treason, alternance impossible....
At the center of the Chávez Revolution we have a contradiction in terms. In democracies dissent is healthy, alternance the norm. In revolutions dissent is treason, alternance impossible....
Well, in defense of Ciudadania Activa, it turns out that the mistranslated English version of La Lista I linked to is nothing to do with them. Actually, they...
Well, in defense of Ciudadania Activa, it turns out that the mistranslated English version of La Lista I linked to is nothing to do with them. Actually, they...
A shortened version of The List, Ciudadanía Activa’s documentary on the Chávez government’s systematic use of IT to discriminate against dissidents, is now available for download in a...
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