Party Pooper
Quico says: Dear Katy, I’ll start by noting what we agree on. There’s no doubt that there’s a psycho edge to a lot of the party whackery we...
Quico says: Dear Katy, I’ll start by noting what we agree on. There’s no doubt that there’s a psycho edge to a lot of the party whackery we...
Si mi muerte contribuye a que cesen los partidos y se consolide la unión, bajaré tranquilo al sepulcro. Simón Bolívar Katy says: I once knew a family who...
Katy says: A New Electoral Year has begun. The main focus right now on the minds of local politicos is – or should be! – the State and...
Quico says: The Magical State, the 1997 monograph on Venezuelan petrocracy by University of Michigan anthropologist Fernando Coronil, is a magisterial, bone-headed, brilliant, infuriating, path breaking failure: a...
Katy says: And a happy 2008 to you! After a well-deserved break, this blog is back in action. Things were quiet toward the end of the year but...
Katy, Quico and Lucia say: What a year it’s been. Just twelve months ago, Hugo Chávez strode Venezuela’s political scene like a colossus and the opposition was worn...
Quico says: As the Suitcase Full’o’Cash scandal metastasizes, and Carlos Kauffman (another of Juan Carlos Zapata’s publicly identified Bolibourgeois Idols) starts memorizing the water stain patterns on his...
Katy says: Year’s worth of Maybeline makeup… $1,000Botox injections … $600Designer dress … $1,000Spiked Manolo Blahniks to wear for a summit … $450Collagen injections for your lips …...
Quico says: Yesterday I interviewed Primero Justicia’s representative to CNE, Juan Carlos Caldera, about the “mystery of the tallysheets” – where the copies of the actas are, and...
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