PSUV loses London
Quico says: Yay!
Quico says: Yay!
Quico says: “No es no.” Three words, six letters, short, sharp, unambiguous, devastating. The slogan is one of the most heartening developments in recent Venezuelan politics: it crystallizes...
Katy says: Recently, I came upon a story about a cost-effective alternative to expensive mass-transit systems. It’s called Aerobus and it has been in use in the city...
[Note: My usual policy is to steer well clear of non-Venezuelan subjects…we’ll be stretching that rule in this post.] Quico says: There are local elections in Britain tomorrow....
Quico says: It’s official: the inhabilitación binge will be matched by a PSUV purge. In a weird kind of political murder-suicide, chavismo is not just disqualifying key oppo...
Katy says: When Chávez first came to power, one of the things he asked to include in the Constitution was the concept of “food security.” The country’s ability...
Quico says: Thinking about the way the New Political Class has looted the proceeds from our current oil boom, it’s hard to contain a certain moralistic rage. We...
Katy says: Just how strong is Chávez these days? The answer is not so obvious. If you judge by the opposition conventional wisdom, he’s at the helm of...
Chávez says: “My opinion has always been – and I still hold this – that the new National School Curriculum should not be called ‘bolivarian’ because that word...
Quico says: Another guilty plea in the unending saga that is Illegally – Diverting – Venezuelan – Public – Money – to – Illegally – Fund – Cristina...
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