The Translation-bot Revolution
Quico says: Following on from yesterday’s ground breaking revelations, I see this in the INCES website: Now that is a classic! Sadly, the banner seems to have been...
Quico says: Following on from yesterday’s ground breaking revelations, I see this in the INCES website: Now that is a classic! Sadly, the banner seems to have been...
Quico says: Folks, I’m afraid the gig is up. They found us out. Somehow, our secret plot with the gringos over the referendum got leaked to Aporrea. They...
Quico says: How level is the electoral playing field in Venezuela these days? So level that the chavista-run National Elections Council actually gets to pick-and-choose which TV ads...
Quico says: So we’ve all heard it again and again and then again some more: getting rid of term limits is not the same thing as “indefinite reelection”...
Quico says: I’ve been trying to think up the right words to describe the Opera Buffa surrounding Miranda State Governor Henrique Capriles’s decision to trial the “Pico y...
Quico says: Check out my Battle Royale with VIC (Britain’s VIO equivalent) chavista extraordinaire Redmond O’Neill on The Guardian’s Comment is Free section. The back-and-forth was…um, an odd...
Quico says: It’s too bad this stunning article by Phil Gunson for the Miami Herald got buried in the week between Christmas and New Year. For one thing,...
Quico says: As of today, Hugo Chávez has been president of Venezuela for exactly as long as Rafael Caldera was. Believe it, baby.
Quico says: An impeccable source writes in to say that Datos is not planning to make its polling public this cycle. They are polling, however, and the results...
Quico says: You asked for it, you got it:Click to expand A few things to note: IVAD is more and more “the government pollster.” A month before the...
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