Quico says: And now for something completely different: The New York Times reports that Honduras’ de facto president Roberto Micheletti has come around and now favors returning democratically-elected-then-deposed-nutter...
Juan Cristóbal and Quico say: What would you say is the opposite of human rights? These days, in international usage, the defense of human rights seems to refer...
Caracas, Venezuela: 11:32 a.m. Feel like sharing the view from your window? Send a snapshot along to caracaschronicles at fastmail dot fm Please ensure the window frame is...
Quico says: The Case of the Swedish Bazookas makes it clear that something very odd is happening in the bonkers-at-the-best-of-times world of chavista foreign policy. The Venezuelan government...
Juan Cristóbal says: – The Governor of Lara, Henry Falcón (PSUV), went out onto the streets of Barquisimeto the other day, got on a steam-roller and proceeded to...
Quico says: Last week’s revelation that high tech Swedish anti-tank missiles have been seeping across the border from the Venezuelan military into FARC’s hands reminded me of nothing...
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