Chavez throws hissy fit, your savings lose 15% of their value
Quico says: Reuters is reporting that the parallel bolivar plunged as low as Bs.6.2 to the dollar today in response to Chávez’s bank nationalization histrionics. Funny to think...
Quico says: Reuters is reporting that the parallel bolivar plunged as low as Bs.6.2 to the dollar today in response to Chávez’s bank nationalization histrionics. Funny to think...
Juan Cristóbal says: – A reader in Caracas told us yesterday that he was disappointed in Caracas Chronicles. He usually came to CC to find information and solace,...
Juan Cristóbal says: – Way back in the early days of 2005, Hugo Chávez declared himself a socialist. These were the lazy, hazy days of the post-Recall Referendum....
Juan Cristóbal says: – “I will be in any corner the fatherland demands me to be in, fulfilling my duty, fighting from my trench, backing the President and...
Quico says: Watching this video, I can’t decide if Ciudadanía Activa is performing a valuable civic service by keeping alive the pretense of constitutional government or if this...
Juan Cristóbal says: – It’s not every day that you learn something about your own country from the New York Times. So do yourself a favor and don’t...
Juan Cristóbal says: – I should know better than to post about Honduras given how badly it went the last time, but here goes: by electing a President...
Juan Cristóbal says: – Ta-da-dun… ta-dun… I’m sitting in my ofice. It’s Friday afternoon. I’m waiting to finish a report, and the familiar Skype bell interrupts me. Damn,...
New York City, New York, USA. 10:00 AM. Send us the View from Your Window: caracaschronicles at fastmail dot fm, or nageljuan at gmail dot com. Please ensure...
Quico says: In case you haven’t noticed, I have been struggling with writer’s block for months. Ever since I came back from Venezuela and witnessed the deterioration in...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.