Hugo's Humongous Carbon Footprint
We each have one. Unless you’re signed up to the Cult of Hugo, you probably do, too. You know: that one topic he drives you craziest on. For...
We each have one. Unless you’re signed up to the Cult of Hugo, you probably do, too. You know: that one topic he drives you craziest on. For...
The man they call Setty continues to rock the Venezuelan blogosphere with eye-opening, new material. Today, he has this on the failure of the government’s electric rationing plan...
This one is self-parodic on so many levels, you don’t exactly know where to start. The "Guerrilla Communicacional" Blog has had to shut down its comments section due...
We’re getting ever closer to the launch of our sister site in Spanish. Before we do that, though, we want to make sure the underlying software is just...
This week sees the launch of a blog you really shouldn’t miss: Setty’s Notebook. Run by a longtime Caracas Chronicles reader and sometime guest-poster, the blog is well-informed...
So, why are PDVSA’s 2014 bonds yielding upwards of 14%?! Because PDVSA is one singularly broke-ass company these days. How broke? Its debt and accounts payables have soared to...
I am breaking my vow to ignore the happenings at Los Proceres to ask a simple question: Is our dressed-up, anti-imperialist, marxist President … riding a Cadillac?!
I’ve said what I think of the government’s pathetic attempts to turn the 200th Anniversary of the beginning of our independence into some proto-marxist, botox-infused military charade. So...
Imagine that somebody alleged Barack Obama secretly met with Mexican druglords in, say, the deserts of Juarez, prior to becoming President. It’s not far-fetched to think that Robert...
Over the last few days, I’ve been on a bit of a crusade to document the ways artificially low energy prices lead to overconsumption, contributing to the electric...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.