Up is down, down is up
An anonymous reader points out an interesting paradox. Instead of rehashing it, I’ll just reproduce her point verbatim: "I know you’ve already gone on at great length about...
An anonymous reader points out an interesting paradox. Instead of rehashing it, I’ll just reproduce her point verbatim: "I know you’ve already gone on at great length about...
To the list of unfair practices that could conspire to keep a chavista minority in the country as a chavista majority in the National Assembly, add this one:...
My grandmother died much too soon, in 1991. We buried her in Jardines La Chinita, Maracaibo’s largest private cemetery. She was resting in peace, until today. Chavista mayor...
Fellow blogger Setty (do yourselves a favor and check out his blog if you still haven’t) has an interesting theory about the government’s recent announcement that Citgo is going...
The Bible warns that much will be asked of those to whom much has been given. Moises Naím’s interview in El Nacional yesterday (much too enthusiastically translated into...
Within the last 24 hours, the government has both a-formally outlawed the dollar swap market and b-missed its deadline for agreeing a mechanism to replace it. They’ve pretty...
Inflation, recession, shortages. Chavismo has steered the country into a macroeconomic impasse where any decision they can make will result in some combination of the three. Fight inflation...
The final moments of Quico’s "el loco comemierda" post left me wanting more. He wrote, "But remember: it’s the economy, stupid. It always is. More than the crazy...
The quote of the day comes from the lovable chavista congresswoman Iris Varela, showing off her impressive knowledge of basic economics: "The people earn their wages in bolivars,...
The Phillipines, you ask?! What on Earth does this have to do with us? One word: Smartmatic. The money quote from The Economist: "In electing Mr Aquino, voters used...
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