May Inflation Number: Cesnared! (UPDATED)
You know how, normally, each months’ inflation figures get published on the first working day of the following month? Right. Did anybody else notice that we’re eight days...
You know how, normally, each months’ inflation figures get published on the first working day of the following month? Right. Did anybody else notice that we’re eight days...
Setty captures the zany criminality that permeates everything about the massive Las Cristinas mine so well in this post, he makes all further comment superfluous. Added bonus: I...
The attempts to convince Venezuelans he’s just a middle-of-the-road guy are not restricted to economics. As the fat man said yesterday, while a chavista "priest" blessed him by...
The Master Thespian himself, on yesterday’s Aló, Narcisista, doing his best Sybil imitation while talking about himself in the third person once again: “(Business groups) Fedecámaras) and Consecomercio are engaging...
A couple of questions spring to mind in the wake of Chávez’s "CESNA Decree", which allows him, discretionally, to "classify" essentially any piece of information, public or private, and...
For Hugo Chávez to declare "Economic War" in June 2010 is a little bit like for Adolf Hitler to take 5 minutes off his busy schedule on April...
Teodoro Petkoff has an enlightening piece on the conflict in Polar, where workers are coming to the defense of their company. Reading it, it occurs to me that maybe,...
We all but predicted Antanas Mockus would coast to victory in the Colombian election, but Colombia’s voters had another plan. Today, in the first round of voting, Colombian...
A few days ago, I wrote a piece for the Venezuelan Internet magazine Prodavinci on the importance of property rights in Venezuela’s poor barrios. (Click here if you’d...
France’s L’Express news weekly publishes this chilling photo-essay stemming from a police ride-along in Petare. [Hat tip: EE]
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