481 Years on, We Salute the Maracucho Nation
The 481st Anniversary of the founding of Maracaibo is a perfect excuse to repost this classic Brian Nelson hatchet job on that Pit-of-Pestilence-by-a-Heavily-Polluted-Lake y’all call home… Some fun...
The 481st Anniversary of the founding of Maracaibo is a perfect excuse to repost this classic Brian Nelson hatchet job on that Pit-of-Pestilence-by-a-Heavily-Polluted-Lake y’all call home… Some fun...
These days, the government faces two seemingly intractable crises: there are far too many guns in the streets, and there are far too few bonds in the BCV-regulated SITME...
On this blog, we’ve always stressed the difference between "Hard Rigging" an election – actual, Persian-style numerical fraud – and "Soft Rigging" it through an accumulation of unfair...
The best ad of the season, so far, is this Don’t Vote! ad, pa que cojan mínimo los abstencionistas. http://www.youtube.com/v/CA5IPFSDVcs?fs=1&hl=en_US The ad was put out by the...
A reader sends me a series of ads the opposition MUD is putting out. In them, ordinary Venezuelans speak directly to an over-zealous camera to talk about the...
The video of this interview of chavista head-honcho Carlos Escarrá is pretty illuminating. After weeks, months even, denying they are communists and demonizing people who, like Caracas’...
Hunger striking is a peculiar form of protest. Superficially a desperate plea for recognition from those with power over us, its logic hinges, paradoxically, on the striker’s recognition...
http://www.youtube.com/v/m9uXgF4NpLA?fs=1&hl=en_US "It is not true that Venezuela is one of the most dangerous countries in the world!" That’s the best the Fat Man could come up with on...
http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http:%2F%2F02ed1ef.netsolhost.com%2Fgeoit%2Fdirections%2Fvenkmlfull.kml&ie=UTF8&ll=6.446318,-66.577148&spn=13.072158,13.183594&z=5&output=embed View Larger Map This is what Victory on 26S looks like. The map shows the Opposition’s likeliest path to an overall majority in the National Assembly: If we...
Decrying this as illegal would be handing out the proverbial speeding ticket at the Indianapolis 500. I mean, duh! What strikes me as more interesting is the way...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.