A New Start
Alright, the old site simply was too buggy to keep using indefinitely. So we’re going to try blogging using WordPress from now on. The comments platform doesn’t have...
Alright, the old site simply was too buggy to keep using indefinitely. So we’re going to try blogging using WordPress from now on. The comments platform doesn’t have...
This Sunday, Maracaibo voters will select the unity opposition candidate to compete against chavista candidate Giancarlo DiMartino in the special election for mayor. The election – for what...
Don’t miss the fascinating saga of Rafael Ramos de la Rosa. Ramos de la Rosa is the head of the CNV task force in charge of the Unovalores...
Remember in The Godfather when, in the middle of the movie, Don Vito is shot after buying oranges? If my memory is correct, the ensuing thirty minutes or...
Here’s a short memo to the drunks haggling over the empty bottle that is the opposition unity candidacy for Governor of Guárico. A few weeks ago, chavismo got...
(A nugget of a story that landed in my Inbox, courtesy of a long-time reader) Hey chamos! Wanna laugh a bit? Check out this story of how our...
Sorry to go all MIA on everyone all of a sudden. It’s been a horrible few weeks for me: first came the sudden loss of my dad, a...
This is a tale of a twitter feed gone mad. Yesterday, I noticed an evolving twitter tiff between somebody named Vendetta_V and the president of chavista broadcaster Telesur,...
There has been a bit of confusion among analysts about the real meaning of the September 26th election. While most in the opposition say that 52% of the...
Two random quotes from the same day: Vice-President Elías Jaua: “We have no plan of action against Polar.” Food Minister Carlos Osorio: “The people need to control Polar.”...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.