File this under dog bites man
Hugo Chávez took a surprisingly moderate tone in Saturday’s State of the Union address. He even went out of his way to shake the hand of opposition deputies. Some...
Hugo Chávez took a surprisingly moderate tone in Saturday’s State of the Union address. He even went out of his way to shake the hand of opposition deputies. Some...
Censorship? Censorship?! No chico, you’re confused. We just have a system where the government gets to decide which Soap Operas you’re allowed to watch, and makes that decision...
So today the government is gloating because they captured the mistress of one of the head honchos of the notorious Los Zetas drug cartel. Her lover, a Colombian...
This morning, dozens of families who lost their homes last December took to the streets to protest. According to press reports, the group was complaining they have been...
Last year, Caracas was the most dangerous capital city in the world. It was also the fourth most dangerous city in the world. This according to Mexican NGO...
Ibsen Martínez is one of Venezuela’s few towering opinion makers, probably the only one that gets around on a first-name basis, like Madonna, Fidel, or Obama. His obituary of...
That “great European leader” whose oil ended up lost in Lake Charles somehow has thought up a new technique for managing dissent at home: taking away his opponents’...
How times change. As the diplomat Chávez once championed to lead the OAS openly calls for a formal debate on his increasing authoritarianism and says the Enabling Law violates...
Poverty falling, and fast. A stable, growing economy, resilient to external shocks. Low, steady inflation. Inequality falling, and fast. An appreciating currency. Improving educational standards. Successive leftwing governments increasingly...
A little nugget in my Inbox courtesy of a reader. You know how Hugo Chávez is always boasting that he wants to ship oil to other countries, how he...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.