Omigod, Omigod, Omigod!
Less than three! Less than three!
Less than three! Less than three!
…now it’s taking on Uruguay’s, as well. Sigh…you’d think one thing we wouldn’t need to import is public sector money pits. [Hat tip: Setty, who else?]
So, according to El Mundo, Venezuela spends some $3 million per day on diesel for electrical generation, since 200,000 barrels of the stuff is being devoted to thermoelectric...
If you don’t already check Setty’s blog compulsively, here’s another reason to. Setty’s especially good at ferreting out online material that ought to be getting much more exposure...
On September 20th, 2002, the very first Caracas Chronicles post hit the interwebs. Today, just like back then, …the slow-motion train-wreck that is Venezuela under Chávez is full...
I won’t pretend otherwise: I found British columnist and PSF-extraordinaire Johann Hari’s fake-quote-fueled disgrace (complete with having to drop the “award-winning” from his CV) especially gratifying. Busted for plagiarizing...
From an AVN story about a meeting Hugo Chávez held yesterday with the Chinese: “Chávez … explained that Chinese banks give out loans to Venezuela and, in exchange,...
So, there will be a three-month lame-duck period between the October 7th, 2012 presidential election and the next innauguration on January 10th, 2013. What could possibly go wrong?...
This one is straight from the por-eso-es-que-estamos-como-estamos file: the money the government spends building schools ends up funding…Santería shrines.
This note, which turned up on Caracas Chronicles’ Facebook page, may be the weirdest thing I’ve seen all week. Reader’s Digest We are researching a piece for Reader’s...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.