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It has been a crowded weekend in Havana so far. First, two Latin American presidents tried unsuccessfully to visit the comandante presidente: Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and...
It has been a crowded weekend in Havana so far. First, two Latin American presidents tried unsuccessfully to visit the comandante presidente: Argentina’s Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and...
Mulling yesterday’s dreamlike i-non-guration and meditating over how far gone the republic now seems, one thought keeps haunting me: it’s not their values that are weird, it’s our...
So as we process the bizarre, dream-like inaugural-in-absentia on display in Caracas today, it made me wonder: have you ever had an actual dream with Chávez in it?...
If you’re interested in how the Revolution is Broadcast, this leaked letter from Information Minister Ernesto Villegas to Hugo Chávez is pretty interesting. The letter provides a detailed...
One of Brazilian President Dilma Roussef’s top foreign policy advisors, Marco Aurélio García, has gone on the record saying nothing will happen on January 10th, since the government can just...
Now this is interesting, Uruguayan president José Mujica will travel to Caracas on Wednesday, Montevideo daily El País has confirmed… The Uruguayan Senate plans to meet tomorrow Tuesday...
If Simón Romero’s profile doesn’t make you smile, you have no heart. Polls show that his approval ratings have been declining, but “I don’t give a damn,” insisted...
In Foreign Affairs, Javier Corrales coins a term I had not heard before: “conservative anti-imperialism.” It describes Chávez’s approach to relations with the US: antagonistic, but not that...
Just as a friendly reminder that, outside the Chávez Deathwatch bubble, life in Venezuela remains just as fucked up as it ever was, consider this: the pran (read: prison...
Over on the IHT, I meditate on what a long, strange week it’s been… Given the impenetrability of Cuban state secrecy, it’s hard not to speculate that even...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.