Bye Bye Bucaramanga...
So the last few days at the ULibro book fair put on by the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga were just awesome: Bucaramanga was a real revelation, and the...
So the last few days at the ULibro book fair put on by the Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga were just awesome: Bucaramanga was a real revelation, and the...
The board of the Enrique Tejera Hospital in Valencia will now formally allow relatives of patients to bring hammocks, so they can sleep inside its premises at night....
Maracaibo’s Global TV was dropped from cable carriers last Sunday under an apparent order of the broadcasting authority CONATEL. Their crime? Being one of the few stations in...
Maracaibo newspaper Versión Final has been facing difficult times: due to the lack of foreign currency, they ran out of newsprint and were forced to suspend operations for several...
One of the new state institutions created in the 1999 Constitution was the figure of the People’s Ombudsman, in charge of defending citizens’ rights against the state. Fourteen...
So, when the Sabaneta prison “pran” (I never know how to translate that…”prison gang dictator”?) and the Sabaneta prison warden disagree, who gets his way? Care to venture a...
And so, one year on, the Winner in the Amuay Explosion Excuse Category, mención Transparently-Fabricated-but-Damnit-We’re-Sticking-With-Our-Story is… [envelope-rustling…] Sabotage! Well how about that! No surprise here, folks: Sabotage was the hot...
So, I’ll be hawking the book at ULibro, la Feria del Libro de Bucaramanga in Colombia all next week. Around for that? Write in and and we’ll have coffee.
Interior Minister Miguel Rodríguez Torres has revealed his latest plan to fight crime: Deploying a lot of security cameras. A lot. Thanks to a brand new deal with...
Another day, another violent incident against a hospital worker in the hands of chavista thugs. This one happened at the UCV Medical Center. I detect a pattern here....
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