Quico's best post
Welcome Noé Toro Noda, Quico’s first son! This is a crazy world, but you’re going to love it. Feel free to drop them a line in the comments...
Welcome Noé Toro Noda, Quico’s first son! This is a crazy world, but you’re going to love it. Feel free to drop them a line in the comments...
Maduro. Sunday night: “I have decided, once the Enabling Law is approved, to set percentage limits on earnings in every sector of the economy” Really Nicolás? Every sector?...
Another one for the Only in Venezuela files: days ago, the two main pillars of the State Propaganda Apparatus started broadcasting what they thought was a propaganda film....
In Voltaire’s Candide, the character of Pangloss is hanged as a warning to others. I thought about this when reading the Miami Herald’s Jim Wyss tell, in his...
And in Valencia things got just plain old MadMax today…
Step 1. Invite journalists to your military base to cover your revolutionary leg-of-pork giveaway. Step 2. Let your giveaway turn into a complete fiasco, with skirmishes breaking out...
The ongoing crisis of our health system is nothing new, but things are now taking one strong turn for the worse. This great report by the AP’s regional...
Recluta… there’s a word that brings memories. (In most, if not all cases, not happy ones). For a country that’s gone over 150 years without a proper shootin’...
A smart riposte to Caracas Te Quiero.
One of the great things about new media is discovering new voices, people who wouldn’t get heard if the public sphere was still in the hands of the...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.