Red justice goes after one of its own
Anyone remember the case of “businessman”/druglord Walid Makled? This week, he was finally sentenced to 14 years and 6 months in prison for drug trafficking and money laundering,...
Anyone remember the case of “businessman”/druglord Walid Makled? This week, he was finally sentenced to 14 years and 6 months in prison for drug trafficking and money laundering,...
Inflation is at almost 70% per year. The multiple exchange rate system is wreaking havoc with Venezuelans’ daily lives. The Central Bank is printing money like crazy to...
The ink has not dried on the news that Sucre mayor Carlos Ocariz had been declared “the fourth-best mayor in the world” by the City Mayor Foundation, and we are...
If you follow football closely, you might know that every January is winter-transfer market time. In Venezuela, it wasn’t so different. Yeah, the players involved are not as...
Yesterday, Venezuela lost one of its greatest artists. I dare say Pedro León Zapata was THE greatest artist of the last era of our history. Why is this controversial? Zapata...
Andrew Sullivan, the weirdo-crank/intellectual/beard-fetishist/dope-smoker/Catholic/beagle-fan/pro-obama-conservative/English/American/Palin-obsessive/HIV+ genius who invented both blogging and gay marriage published his final blog post today. I’m verklempt. I read his blog religiously, day-in and day-out for the...
I sometimes wonder why anybody would choose to be an entrepreneur in today’s Venezuela. The risk is enormous, the stress of dealing with the layers upon layers of regulation must...
Since the efforts of lobbyists and PSFs are not yielding positive results lately, the central government has decided to take a new direct approach in the “media war”: the Vice-Ministry...
It’s not easy being a police officer in Venezuela, one of the most violent countries in the world. But how bad is it for those responsible to protect...
6:30 p.m. “I’m sorry, we can’t treat her here, we have no beds available” says the medical employee. Martha, María, José and Sula share nervous glances. They’re at the...
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