Llegó la hora ... de pagarle a los chinos (Updated)
A publisher friend (more on that later) sent me a copy of José Toro Hardy’s Llegó la Hora, and I found a piece of news that I wasn’t aware...
A publisher friend (more on that later) sent me a copy of José Toro Hardy’s Llegó la Hora, and I found a piece of news that I wasn’t aware...
I love it: a simple graph that perfectly encapsulates the Venezuelan boom of 2012. It’s all right there. Last year’s growth spurt was the story of an out-of-control government,...
Setty has the details. Maduro’s line seems to be to continue to negotiate with Chevron on parallel tracks – simultaneously denouncing them and beseeching them to put more...
A fortnight ago, one major public hospital of Western Caracas (the Periférico de Coche) was close to shutting down. Doctors and patients staged a loud protest from both inside...
Before devaluing the Bolívar, the government was predicting Venezuela would grow by 6% in 2013. We already addressed how this was way higher than what most other people...
The “Torre de David” highrise in Caracas got a lot of attention recently thanks in part to John Lee Anderson’s great article in the New Yorker, to the...
Three articles you might find interesting in Foreign Policy. The first is a searing summary of Hugo Chávez’s impact on Venezuelan politics, by our friend Phil Gunson. It’s...
Today marks the six-month “anniversary” of the explosion in the Amuay Refining Complex. Aside from being a massive tragedy, Amuay could have also been responsible for the devaluation...
(Overheard at Jeffrey’s Cafe, in Maracaibo) Me: My migraines have been acting up ever since I got here. I think I’m not getting enough caffeine. That tends to...
The case of ice cream maker EFE is not unique. Since the new Labor Law (LOTTT) was approved last year, labor absenteeism in Venezuela has increased alarmingly. A...
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.