A Budget Full of Silences
Finance Minister Rodolfo Marco Torres announced the 2016 Budget in a short speech more notable for what he didn't say than what he did.
Finance Minister Rodolfo Marco Torres announced the 2016 Budget in a short speech more notable for what he didn't say than what he did.
A estas alturas del partido, why would any sane person still get worked up when President Maduro says he's going to announce economic reforms?
Some background on Venezuela before Hugo Chávez Venezuela was a semi-functional democracy until the 1980s. The country was trying to develop a domestic industry thanks to the boom...
Before signing off from his weekly TV show, the disaster was brought to the President’s attention, and he went on to criticize the ultraderecha twitter commentators who blamed his...
On Tuesday evening, President Nicolás Maduro announced what in revolutionary newspeak is referred to as a sacudón (shake-up), otherwise known to the rest of the globe as cabinet reshuffle. The most noteworthy replacement happened in the...
Want to make Rafael Ramirez really uncomfortable? Start talking about the need for a Transitional Government, no matter what the context. The United Nations Security Council expressed support for...
There’s no doubt about it: The central government has a huge “bachaquero” problem, that is, thousands of people buying regulated goods and reselling them at black market prices...
Listen to Nelson Bocaranda´s feature of Anabella Abadi and Barbara Lira's open letter to the TSJ in his prime-time radio show today.
Estimado TSJ, Nos enteramos de que rechazaste la demanda que Transparencia Venezuela interpuso contra el presidente del BCV, Nelson Merentes, por no publicar indicadores macroeconómicos, por considerar que no...
Milagros Socorro broke Twitter yesterday with her reporting of a guajiro upheaval in the border town of Sinamaica. The Zuliana journo summarized the story in 26 tweets and...
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