The Ever Present Niño
Someone needs to tell Basic Industries Minister Juan Arias that the reasons for our recession have nothing to do with El Niño and everything to do with communism.
Someone needs to tell Basic Industries Minister Juan Arias that the reasons for our recession have nothing to do with El Niño and everything to do with communism.
Figuring out Venezuela’s Energy Industry is not for the faint of heart. Today, we unveil a new report for those with a burning need to crack the PDVSA riddle.
So much is wrong with Venezuela's economy, that it’s hard to know where to even start. Unless you’re Ricardo Hausmann and Miguel Ángel Santos – those guys know where to start.
A seemingly endless flow of terrible headlines suggesting Miraflores is as close to bankruptcy as ever capped off a payment delay on the VENZ 2027 coupon. And the Venny Bulls laugh through it all on a blend of optimism and cynicism.
Venezuelans desperate for hard currency realized Runescape runs on fake money —with more purchasing power than the bolivar. This is how the crisis reached the pixels.
The deranged chavistas now calling for a return to the Gold Standard aren’t deeply lost Glenn Beck fans. They’re mediocre pols who want the monetary benefits of good fiscal policy to come by magic, without any of the boring “fiscal discipline” bits.
The government seems to think the cheap calculator trick in switching from dollars to yuan amounts to a financial strategy. They’re so far gone, they can’t even recognize hollow posturing for what it is anymore.
Most countries publish guides for foreign investors, but none of those has Venezuela’s “sense of humor”. Let me show you why.
For the first time in ages, the Finance Minister addressed his battered and bruised nation. To what end? To stamp out the scourge of our time… the merchant willing to swipe your card and advance you some cash for a commission.
The Constituent Assembly’s sometimes portrayed as a strange new autocratic departure. In fact, when it comes to spending and anything related with the economy, Maduro been ruling on his own for ages.
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.