Taking Apart a False Dichotomy: Diversification
In Venezuela Energética, López and Baquero propose something that was almost anathema: what if we exploit oil AND also produce other things?
In Venezuela Energética, López and Baquero propose something that was almost anathema: what if we exploit oil AND also produce other things?
Can grid decarbonization really go hand-in-hand with a strategy to increase oil production? In Leopoldo López and Gustavo Baquero’s vision, the answer is an enthusiastic ‘Yes.’
In Venezuela Energética, López and Baquero underline that Venezuela has enormous conventional oil reserves that are cheaper to produce, cleaner and more profitable than the gunk we’re known for. Why not exploit them?
If Venezuela has 20% of global oil reserves, why does it contribute only 2% of global output? The story of how these authors arrived at the answer is as captivating as the answer itself. Here's the Executive Summary of Venezuela Energética.
Venezuela’s relationship with its oil has been so self-destructive for so long, we’ve almost forgotten it doesn’t have to be this way. In their new book, Leopoldo López and Gustavo Baquero set out another way.
Sundde did it again. For the fourth year in a row, it went through one of Caracas’ main commercial areas, making shopkeepers do business at a loss. This time, many stores are going under.
Few things are as hot today as cryptocurrencies, and chavismo sure wants in on the fun. Of course, the meaning of fun here depends on how morally bankrupt you are.
Venezuelan inflation blew past 50% a month, the hyperinflationary threshold.
Anatoly sinks his teeth into the story of the defaulted borrower taking informal advice from one of its sketchy skid-row lenders… What could possibly go wrong?
Add another zero to the raging fire of Venezuela’s macroeconomic cataclysm.
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