Economists Asdrúbal Oliveros and Jesús Palacios Chacín, from consulting and research firm Ecoanalítica, explain what we should expect from Venezuela’s economy following the new sanctions regime and the elections
While its economic effect is subjected to intense debate, its political impact is more clear. Here’s an overview of the conflicting stances around how these measures affect our economy and our people
The economic dynamics of Venezuela’s street vendors remains elusive. But more than a 100 interviews with buhoneros reveal cartels, unofficial business guilds, fierce seasonal competition and –sometimes violent– control of whole streets.
Labor benefits don’t necessarily benefit Venzuelan workers. When employers do the math, they realize they have to offer lower salaries so that the whole package becomes affordable.
All governments have incentives to avoid depreciating the bolivar. But this habit harms our export capabilities and keeps Venezuela uncompetitive and vulnerable
According to a new study by Transparency’s local chapter and Ecoanalítica, illicit economies made up 15,67% of Venezuela’s GDP in 2022. Its profits equal half of those of all exports, ushering a criminal bonanza that includes slavery
The Maduro government is seeking foreign investment through new Special Economic Zones. Venezuela's structural problems and tax inferno could screw up the plan
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