Despite the GNB’s abuses all over our highways, AN lawmakers made it to Tachira. Putin’s representative reveals Maduro lied about humanitarian aid from Russia. Turns out chickens can sing: former chavista El Pollo Carvajal shared a video on social media demanding the Armed Forces to side with Guaidó and the Venezuelan people.
Chavismo blocked the Francisco de Miranda Av. to stop a rally from the transport sector supporting caretaker President Guaidó. Chavista ministers claim that they’ll die for the revolution. U.S. Southern Command chief Craig Faller speaks to the Armed Forces. Guaidó's serious diplomatic misstep in Costa Rica Yulimar Rojas wins again!
The National Assembly keeps working on letting humanitarian aid enter the country. Two substitute deputies from Amazonas were sworn in. Guaidó calls, once again, on Venezuelan soldiers to stand by the people and the Constitution. Almagro is fully determined to help Venezuela.
“All the necessary sacrifices to secure Venezuela’s freedom,” said Guaido. Trump backed him up in a speech in Florida. Chavismo exudes tension in every speech and every action. EU lawmakers that were expelled from Venezuela on Saturday promised to go to Cucuta on February 23rd.
Over half a million Venezuelans want to help. A delegation from the EU Parliament was expelled from the country directly from Maiquetía Airport, on government’s orders. Russian bank Gazprombank froze PDVSA’s accounts. U.S. military planes carrying medical and nutritional supplies landed this weekend in Cúcuta.
Caretaker President Guaidó met with members of CTV. $100 million were raised yesterday at the OAS’ World Conference of the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela. NGO Foro Penal denounced GNB tortures against people detained for protesting in January. Millionaire Richard Branson announces humanitarian aid concert for February 22nd in Cucuta.
PDVSA and CITGO get new boards of directors. Bulgaria froze accounts suspected of laundering Venezuelan money. A letter from the Pope addressed to Mr. Nicolás leaked in Italy. GNB caught several tons of “American marijuana”. Fujimori pardoned irrevocably nullified.
Venezuelans protested in 69 towns. Humanitarian aid will enter the country on February, 23rd and Guaidó keeps encouraging citizens to register as volunteers. Maduro sounded even more lost and confused in his speech than in the BBC interview, and that’s saying something.
One batch of humanitarian aid has been in the country for a few weeks and started being distributed to vulnerable Venezuelans, Elvis Amoroso announced he’s iinvestigating Guaidó, because he’s, you know, super qualified to point fingers. Today, we’re going back to the streets.
Around 90,000 people complied with Guaidó’s call for volunteers and registered on the VoluntariosXVenezuela website. Maduro keeps showcasing our military power in laughable videos on social media. Regular government spokespeople are erratic and incoherent.
We’ve been able to hang on for 22 years in one of the craziest media landscapes in the world. We’ve seen different media outlets in Venezuela (and abroad) closing shop, something we’re looking to avoid at all costs. Your collaboration goes a long way in helping us weather the storm.