Luis Parra and his made-up legislative board tried to start a parliamentary session today, and they literally ran off when the actual board, along with other opposition deputies, showed up for work. The events of Sunday 5th still generate ripples in foreing and domestic arenas.
Looks like the constituent assembly isn't enough for chavismo, as it has now occupied the National Assembly, swearing in a new speaker and literally blocking the opposition from entering the building. Did that stop Juan Guaidó from being reelected as speaker? Click and read for yourself.
The TSJ just reacted to the Parliament's moves for independence; The made-up opposition is acting like it has leverage to negotiate with chavismo; The free press is under siege, with two new casualties.
Michelle Bachelet, High Commissioner for Human Rights at the UN, is keeping a close track of everything going on in Venezuela; The CLAP faction at the National Assembly plays chavismo's song with conviction; Free press is more threatened than we thought.
The National Assembly has found a way for deputies who are exiled or in hiding to be a part again of lawmaking sessions; The aforementioned process is simple and only needs already available technology; A Delawae court further blocks possible actions of the Maduro regime over Citgo.
More deputies get stripped of their parliamentary immunity; Chavismo presents the budget for the year 2020, following an illegal, shady and made-up procedure; Venezuelan deputies and functionaries abroad keep working for our refugees and migrants.
Gas shortages spread all over the nation with no end in sight; The Caracas subway system is looking worse and worse for the wear; Political prisoner Juan Requesens is tormented through courtroom delays.
While civil society demands justice and protection against diseases, the National Assembly promises to denounce the ecocide in Guyana and the new president of Argentina takes office
Rufo Chacón recovers part of his sight; The National Assembly promises to look deep into the the whole CLAP corruption scheme; According to Bloomberg, there are more dollars flowing in Venezuelan streets than there are bolivars.
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